EODev winner of "H₂ Technology Building Blocks" from France 2030

The SGPI (General Secretariat for Investment) has confirmed an R&D grant to EODev to support the development of high-power electro-hydrogen power generators, as part of the MOHYRA project.
Instructed and supported by ADEME (French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management), operator of the SGPI, this "H2 technological building blocks" call for projects is part of the national strategy for accelerating decarbonized hydrogen announced by the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire on September 8, 2020, and is included in the France 2030 investment plan launched in 2021. Its objective is to support innovation work, making it possible to develop or improve components and systems related to the production, transport of hydrogen and its uses, such as industrial, mobile, stationary or energy supply applications. The projects must be led by one or more companies, to develop equipment, a product or service, or to maunfacture a demonstrator using hydrogen, with a view to structuring the sector.
The MOHYRA project
Through its support for the MOHYRA project (for MOdular design of HYdrogen generatoR for high power Applications), France 2030 provides EODev and its partners with essential support and assistance, in line with the national objectives of industrial development and energy sovereignty. It validates the company's vision and product development strategy in an extremely competitive global market, and the responses EODev provides to the challenges of the ecological and energy transition.
EODev, a leader in the field of off-grid decarbonized energy supply thanks to its 110kVA GEH₂® stationary electro-hydrogen group, will therefore be able to accelerate the creation of its first high-power demonstrator and prepare for its future industrialization.
A wide range of applications
The high-power electro-hydrogen gensets developed and assembled in France by EODev will be mainly intended to offer the construction, mining, events, transport, logistics and public electricity service markets zero-emission electricity supply, in containerized and turnkey, easy to implement and simple to use, solutions for off-grid operations (without CO2, NOx, particulate matter), like the GEH₂® which has proven its efficiency and benefits with excellent customer feedback.
Adapted to a wide range of needs, with the possibility of operating several fuel cells simultaneously to reach very high power, this new range will also minimize the associated Capex, thanks to a lifespan of at least 30,000 hours — an important competitiveness criterion compared to existing carbon solutions.
EODev will also be able to meet the needs for backup or emergency power supply for a wider number of end users in telecommunications, hospitals, data centers, educational institutions, government centers, hospitality, retail and agriculture.
Beyond these "traditional" segments, electro-hydrogen power generators can also address two additional markets: electric vehicles (EV) charging, including construction equipment; and ships, particularly merchant navy fleets.
Finally, they make sense in sensitive applications to secure energy supply for critical installations (industrial, port and airport; hospitals, data centers, etc.); and develop peak-shaving plants that are increasingly essential in the context of limited energy resources.
The aid provided by France 2030 and ADEME thus contributes to the development of stationary uses, which are as fundamental as the decarbonization of industry and mobility to build a competitive low-carbon hydrogen sector, achieve the European objectives of the Green Deal and reduce air pollution responsible, according to the WHO, for 6.7 million premature deaths per year, including 238,000 in Europe.
France 2030 and the national hydrogen strategy
Launched in 2021, the “France 2030” plan, with 54 billion euros deployed over 5 years, aims to develop industrial competitiveness and future technologies, with half of the funding being intended for emerging players, and the other half for decarbonization. It lists several objectives, including the development of a powerful and competitive French hydrogen sector, in order to achieve our objectives to reduce, between 2015 and 2030, 35% of our greenhouse gas emissions in this sector.
The national strategy for accelerating the use of decarbonized hydrogen, endowed with €9 billion and currently under review, marks a change of scale in the development of the hydrogen sector by supporting the deployment of hydrogen uses in local territories, and the innovation of equipment manufacturers and industrial players. In the words of the Ministry of the Economy, it “constitutes a priority line of investment for France, taking into account:
- environmental issues: hydrogen provides numerous solutions for decarbonizing industry and transport,
- economic issues: hydrogen offers the opportunity to create an industrial sector and ecosystem that creates jobs,
- energy independence: to reduce our reliance on hydrocarbon imports,
- technological independence: to promote France's assets in global competition.”