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Conference on hydrogen by Jérémie Lagarrigue in Monaco
Monaco, September 22, 2020 - As part of the Planetary Health Week organized by the Prince Albert II Foundation, and on display at the "Monaco Capital of Yachting Experience" initiated by the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) which takes place from September 20 to 24, the CEO of EODev offered the 200 participants on site, as well as the hundreds of spectators online, a presentation of the opportunities of hydrogen for pleasure craft.

In the presence of HSH Prince Albert II, President of the YCM, five speakers presented the different opportunities of hydrogen solutions to provide shipowners with an alternative to the use of diesel, in order to propel their units and / or provide the energy necessary for them. life on board, without emissions and noise.
Jérémie Lagarrigue began the conference with a few explanations on the current environmental situation, the level of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, in order to understand the importance and urgency of the energy transition. After recalling the operation of a fuel cell and unveiling its installation on board Energy Observer in collaboration with Toyota, the manager highlighted the advantages of hydrogen over diesel but also in comparison to "all electric systems" "exclusively using batteries. He also explained how hydrogen is a vector that makes it possible to store and transport energy, to restore it in the form of electricity, and how hydrogen is part of a strategy of ENR combinations, in depending on usage profiles.
For the maritime sector, Jérémie Lagarrigue demonstrated the potential and the technological, environmental and economic validity of hydrogen solutions, taking among others the example of the first electro-hydrogen tender presented by HYNOVA, a unique 12-meter boat whose propulsion has was designed by EODev, and whose prototype was exhibited on the YCM terrace
The energy transition in the yachting sector therefore involves various possible combinations, including diesel-hydrogen-electric hybridizations. Finally, he explained the issues related to the storage and delivery of hydrogen, insisting on the need to develop infrastructures, to set up stations without being too constrained by long administrative delays. To meet these short-term challenges, EODev is also proposing the establishment of STSH2 (Station SHip H2), a floating hydrogen production and distribution platform.
The obvious conclusion of this intervention is that it is time to take action, to switch to hydrogen, which the formula "time to shift", the motto of EODev, sums up perfectly.
The entire conference can be viewed here.