1st presentation of EODev’s land and maritime hydrogen solutions
EODev presented its land-based hydrogen power generator GEH₂® and maritime range extender REXH₂® in operation on the industrial site of its partner and manufacturer ENERIA, on Thursday, September 17, in the presence of its shareholders. The products developed by the start-up meet the objectives of the "France Hydrogen plan” unveiled by the government last week.

The discovery of the GEH₂® in operation on ENERIA's site had many surprises in store! Gone are the days of hearing protections and dust masks usually worn next to a diesel generator. The time has come to give way to the noise of the water coming out of the latest generation fuel cell, supplied and integrated by Toyota, already present in its Mirai model but also in EODev's REXH₂®.
The GEH₂® can produce 80,000 watts of electricity continuously with no pollution, no CO₂ nor fine particles emissions. EODev's engineers were thrilled after long months of hard work.

Accelerate the ecological transition through clean, accessible, and sustainable energy solutions developed, manufactured, and implemented in France at first, but with the aim of also deploying them internationally in the future.
The solutions developed by EODev are therefore based on a multifaceted approach, combining and optimizing energy mixes according to the specific needs of end users and the renewables available locally. Whether they are industrialists, service companies, or ultimately private individuals, consumers must be able to get customized solutions, both environmentally and economically relevant.

Committed shareholders
The odyssey of Energy Observer has demonstrated that thanks to the innovations implemented and tested on board our floating laboratory, carbon-free mobility and energy autonomy solutions exist, are reliable, and can open up to large-scale solutions.
Some of our historical partners, including the Accor group and Thélem assurances, have decided to support EODev and are ready to invest in solutions that will enable them to reduce their carbon footprint and optimize their energy consumption.
Groupe Monnoyeur, another EODev shareholder, is participating in the industrialization of the GEH₂® electro-hydrogen generator through its subsidiary Eneria.
Their common goal? To contribute to the development of innovative decarbonated solutions to meet the economic and environmental challenges that will shape tomorrow's world.
All the information to discover in the dedicated press release.